SMiLes by Meg

Sesame Seed Cookies

To be honest, I did NOT want to turn on the oven today. It is ridiculously hot. And while we have AC in the bedroom, there is not AC in the rest of the apartment. The thought of taking a kitchen that was already 90+° and turning an oven up to 375° seemed insane. But after spending a lot of time looking through no-bake and icebox recipes, I just couldn’t find anything I was actually excited about. And I’ve been meaning to make these cookies for weeks, since I found them and thought they sounded interesting. So I sucked it

Old Fashioned Doughnuts

I think I’m losing my touch. When I first started law school, bringing in treats to class was a surefire way to make them disappear quickly. A short post on my section’s Facebook page, and I could get more people than cookies to come and take said cookies off my hands. It didn’t seem to matter what I baked; I had a willing audience.

Saltine Bark

Amid a whirlwind weekend full of family, tacos, and probably too little reading, I needed to find a quick recipe that would also be a crowd pleaser. I’ve had this before around Christmas, and generally am not able to step away from a plate of it. Turns out it also makes for a great cookout dessert for a lot of people in very little time.

Honey Sweetened Granola

The day after vacation is always a multitasking kind of day, trying to do all of the things you should have done in time for returning to the real world. Especially when you neglect such things as assignments due on Monday. And I have taken that multitasking to a new level.