SMiLes by Meg

Apple Honey Cake

I’ve been baking up a storm this week! I’ve already made two recipes, and have another one lined up for Wednesday night. This seems particularly amazing given I’ve also been having a crazy busy week otherwise. I guess its true that the more you do the more you can do.

Saltine Bark

Amid a whirlwind weekend full of family, tacos, and probably too little reading, I needed to find a quick recipe that would also be a crowd pleaser. I’ve had this before around Christmas, and generally am not able to step away from a plate of it. Turns out it also makes for a great cookout dessert for a lot of people in very little time.

German Bundt Cake

In my second installment of high altitude baking, I really went for something challenging: a true cake. Cookies bake for a short period of time, meaning that recipes really don’t need to be altered all that much. However, cakes are in the oven longer, and rising is much more important. Though there are plenty of websites online that explain adjustments of various ingredients at altitude, I decided it would be more fun to find an actual cookbook. What I found was a great little spiral bound book called Mountain High Cakes, written right here in Jackson, Wyoming!

Banana Muffins

Ever look over at your fruit bowl and realize your bananas have turned almost completely brown before you even had a chance to eat one? Looking for a quick recipe when you don’t necessarily have all of the ingredients on hand for the best banana bread ever? Good news: if you bake (from scratch) ever, you definitely have everything to make these muffins and feel like you didn’t waste food after all.


Happy Mother’s Day! This year, we started a new tradition – my cousin Kim and I cooked brunch for all the mothers on my dad’s side of the family – my mom, her mom (hi Gail!), our grandmother, and my godmother (our aunt). Brunch is my favorite meal to cook, but terribly difficult to make dessert for – it’s already pretty sweet, and everyone tends to feast and get full since it’s the first meal of the day.

Honey Sweetened Granola

The day after vacation is always a multitasking kind of day, trying to do all of the things you should have done in time for returning to the real world. Especially when you neglect such things as assignments due on Monday. And I have taken that multitasking to a new level.

Black and White Russian Cookies

You know you’ve found some great friends when they show up at your apartment, start rooting around in your cabinets, and ask if there’s enough time for them to bake a batch of cookies before taking off on a 6 day vacation sure to be full of kitchen time. That’s what happened on Wednesday when a couple friends from college showed up (Happy Birthday, Marj!).

Crustless Pecan Pie

Things you probably wanted before Thursday: a solid traditional dessert recipe for your Thanksgiving meal. Things I didn’t make this year: a solid traditional dessert recipe for my Thanksgiving meal.

Peanut Butter Granola

I don’t really understand how time works on weekends. I always go in thinking I’ll get everything done and still have lots of time to doodle in front of the TV, and then it’s 9:48pm on Sunday and I still haven’t published my blog post.

Vanilla Ice Cream

It’s Labor Day weekend. Classes start on Tuesday. All signs are pointing to the end of summer. So, naturally, I had to squeeze out one more truly summer recipe before the invasion of pumpkin spice.