SMiLes by Meg

Old Fashioned Doughnuts

I think I’m losing my touch. When I first started law school, bringing in treats to class was a surefire way to make them disappear quickly. A short post on my section’s Facebook page, and I could get more people than cookies to come and take said cookies off my hands. It didn’t seem to matter what I baked; I had a willing audience.

Classic Cherry Pie

This is Part 1 of 2 Thanksgiving pie posts coming at you in the next couple of weeks. Good news: they can just as easily be Christmas pies (if you don’t make the one true Christmas dessert: Chocolate Trifle), so keep these on hand as the holiday parties start piling up. Also, I’ve done a little bit of test kitchen work on these, trying out different pie crust recipes and combining some filling recipes to figure our what works well together. The results were pretty good, and have made for some tasty breakfasts in the Thanksgiving aftermath.

Buttermilk Pancakes

I’m getting really into this big Sunday morning breakfasts thing. I made waffles a couple weeks ago, and I think this needs to be a new part of my weekly routine. There really is no better way to spend a cold weekend morning than making pancakes and eating enough of them to not have to think about another meal until 8pm.

Spiced Waffles

Two breakfast posts in a row! Obviously, I’ve been a little selfish lately, making things that I actually end up eating instead of pawning off on my friends. Don’t worry – next week’s Halloween treat is 100% for other people. But until then: Spiced Waffles.

Maple Scones

Today was one of those days when it really pays off to be a baker. I saw this recipe on the New York Times Food Instagram account earlier this week and thought it sounded like a good Fall breakfast. When I opened it and looked through the ingredients, I was pleased to find out I wouldn’t even have to go to the store to bake it – everything was in my pantry! When some friends asked what I was baking this weekend and I told them how excited I was that it was a recipe where you’d have everything already

Sourdough Pancakes

I always feel a little bit like pancakes don’t quite belong on this blog. As a baker, I’m drawn to breakfast food, and they do have cake in their name, but they seem like less of an adventure than other things I make. But I wanted to make another loaf of sourdough bread this weekend, and was already feeding my starter, so decided to give these a try. As consolation for them not being super exciting, I’ll supplement them with a good story.


I’m not really sure why the weather went from full Summer to deep Fall in the last couple of days, but it has definitely helped ease the transition into my last year of law school. Today, with the rainy coldness that is the outdoors, baking warm cupcakes indoors has been an ideal activity. It would have been a great day to make some sourdough bread, but that would have required much more foresight than I had this week.

German Bundt Cake

In my second installment of high altitude baking, I really went for something challenging: a true cake. Cookies bake for a short period of time, meaning that recipes really don’t need to be altered all that much. However, cakes are in the oven longer, and rising is much more important. Though there are plenty of websites online that explain adjustments of various ingredients at altitude, I decided it would be more fun to find an actual cookbook. What I found was a great little spiral bound book called Mountain High Cakes, written right here in Jackson, Wyoming!

Banana Muffins

Ever look over at your fruit bowl and realize your bananas have turned almost completely brown before you even had a chance to eat one? Looking for a quick recipe when you don’t necessarily have all of the ingredients on hand for the best banana bread ever? Good news: if you bake (from scratch) ever, you definitely have everything to make these muffins and feel like you didn’t waste food after all.

Cinnamon Pinwheels

I’m officially on summer vacation! With a month before I start my last year of school ever, I’m definitely trying to pack a lot in. In a couple of hours, my mom and I will leave for our annual Nantucket trip. Then, two days after we get back, I’ll head out to Montana and Wyoming for a couple weeks of hiking and generally not being in an office. With all of this traveling, baking will be a bit more challenging, but don’t worry – I’m committed.