SMiLes by Meg

Coconut Granola

Not a single person took me up on free delivery of baked goods in Boston last week. How is that possible. How are all of you NOT in need of some cookies for quarantine? Just meant this week I needed to find something to make that I actually could justify for myself. I eat granola every morning, and have made various granola recipes over the year, but hadn’t made one recently, so thought that would be a good option. Last year, before Star Market opened three steps from my door, I was still shopping primarily at Whole Foods. They have

Granola Bars

Sometimes, when I lost track of time, I realize two days before I’m going on vacation that I don’t have a recipe lined up for the weekend. Occasionally, I get lucky and already have something saved that I can post. But most of the time I have to scramble and see what I can find that is fast and doesn’t require a trip to the grocery store. This recipe hits both of those requirements: It takes less than 30 minutes to put together, and as long as you have some staples on hand, you can probably find some granola at

Honey Sweetened Granola

The day after vacation is always a multitasking kind of day, trying to do all of the things you should have done in time for returning to the real world. Especially when you neglect such things as assignments due on Monday. And I have taken that multitasking to a new level.

Peanut Butter Granola

I don’t really understand how time works on weekends. I always go in thinking I’ll get everything done and still have lots of time to doodle in front of the TV, and then it’s 9:48pm on Sunday and I still haven’t published my blog post.

Pumpkin Granola

I fully intended to bake something to bring into work tomorrow morning.  I even told more than one person that I would.  But then Shannon Rose didn’t have Pumpkinhead.  And though Octoberfest is well and good, I didn’t get my pumpkin fix and decided I needed to make myself something pumpkin instead.  I also didn’t really feel like doing a lot of grocery shopping, so granola was the clear winner.  I’ve made granola before, but this one might be even better.  It clumped really nicely (important in a granola), was slightly salty (also important), and was my first pumpkin adventure

Granola Bars

I decided to be selfish this weekend.  Usually, I love to bake things for other people.  I bring treats into work and they disappear before 2nd period.  I bring treats to my classes and my students remember that I can be cool on occasion.  I bring treats to friends and make more friends.  But this week I decided to make something only I would get to eat: granola bars.

Fruit n Nut Granola

To preface this post, Yale Bake Shop Granola is hands down the best granola known to man.  It has brown sugar, it has salt, it has raisins, it has large chunks that could pass as granola bars on their own if you take the time to sift through it.  If you’ve ever seen me in the Calhoun dining hall, you know that I can eat the stuff by the bucketful.  It tastes good in alone, in milk, mixed with milk and peanut butter and small pieces of banana and chocolate sauce…  Unfortunately, I graduated already and no longer have access