SMiLes by Meg

Saffron Ice Cream Sandwiches

Law school is over! And as we always do when finals are over, Erik and I spent the weekend off the grid in the mountains, camping and hiking. That means I had to get something made before I left, since I wasn’t sure when I’d be back today. I came up with (yet another) Ottolenghi recipe, though this one didn’t go so well.

Nutella Rice Krispie Treats

Good thing it’s Daylight Savings Time, or I wouldn’t have gotten this blog post up in time! I was really torn about whether to bake this week, because I made some chocolate cupcakes with butterscotch filling last week, and had been kind of planning on using those. But then I decided that since the base chocolate cupcakes were the same as ones I have made in the past, I couldn’t use a slight variation on them. Instead, at around 6pm today, I asked my roommate for some ideas on desserts I could make quickly, and she recommended Rice Krispie Treats.

Strawberry Ice Cream Sandwiches

I learned so many things yesterday. First, baking bread when your kitchen is over 80° is destined to be a disaster. Rather than rise up, the bread spreads out, and then you have flat sourdough, which is really only good to be cut up into crostini. Second, my apron has pockets, which means that when I discovered this and started storing my phone in one, I spent far too much time searching the counter for said phone whenever I needed to take a picture. Finally, there are some recipes that you just know how good the finished product will be

Coconut Lime Popsicles

In this week’s baking adventure, I learned two things: (1) A popsicle mold would be a really great investment for the summer. (2) Popsicles are a hard thing to take flattering pictures of. Fortunately, though this may not be my best food photography, the end product is still a refreshing summer treat.