SMiLes by Meg

Chocolate Zucchini Bread

Calling this a “bread” feels kind of like lying. Sure, the base of this is a zucchini bread, and there is definitely a LOT of zucchini. Which makes you feel like it’s healthy. But then it’s moist, full of chocolate chips, and seems like a better pair for ice cream than coffee. Which makes you feel like it can’t possibly be healthy. However, I’m not one to make such decisions for you, so if you want to call it a vegetable bread, and therefore basically a salad, I’m not going to stop you. If you want to call it more

Zucchini Walnut Bread

My last recipe from my Cambridge apartment! And, unfortunately, it’s going to be a short post because I’m very much still in the middle of packing. When I was picking this recipe, I was looking for a quick bread, mostly because it was graduation week and I didn’t want to be spending a ton of time on it. And I needed breakfast food that would last awhile. So I looked back through the breads I had made in the past, and was surprised to find that I had only made zucchini bread once, a long time ago, with chocolate chips

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread

I am officially back in New Jersey. School starts next week, and my summer is coming to a far to fast close. After spending the last couple months indulging in the luxury of hanging out with my family and not planning lessons, coming back here was a bit of a shock. That shock was not improved by the fact that my AC unit had leaked, causing my floor to buckle into a mountain range.